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Diploma in International Hospitality Management


About This Programme

The Diploma in International Hospitality Management is developed by London School of Business and Finance (LSBF) as a first-year course towards a progression route for students aiming for a higher qualification in the field of hospitality management.

CIMA and ACCA accredited degree

Accredited by the Institute of Hospitality 

Fulltime Degree

8 month | fulltime
fast track degree

Practical and theoretic modules

42% of 2024 cohort scored distinction

Guided career sessions

Guided career sessions


Designed to explore beyond subject knowledge

By the end of the programme, graduates will be able to demonstrate the accounting and finance related knowledge, which will be further developed and integrated into broader business knowledge, skills and professional values and ethics.

Marketing in Hospitality and Tourism Management

This module will provide the learners with a wide understanding of the role of marketing and its application in the hospitality and tourism industries. It also enables students to understand how marketing activities help organisations to achieve goals and objectives and also maximise revenue and profit in the long run. 

Organizational Behaviour in Hospitality Industry

This is an introduction to the basic concepts and topics in organisational behaviour (OB). It focuses on OB at three levels: individual, interpersonal, and collective. Students will learn the individual level, covering decision-making, motivation, and personality and then turn to the interpersonal level, covering power, influence, and negotiations. Finally, the course will move up to the collective level, covering groups and managing change.

Food Sanitation, Safety and Health

This module makes an important contribution to the supervisory aspects of food hygiene and safety. Supervisors with food safety and health and safety responsibilities need to ensure that all staff operates in a safe, hygienic and efficient manner. The overall aims of this module are to ensure students are familiar with key aspects of current legislation, good practice and health, safety and food safety issues.


The aim of Housekeeping module is to provide students with an overview of the range of functions within the facilities department of hotels.

Introduction to Hospitality and Tourism

The aim of this module is to provide students with an understanding of the nature of hospitality and hospitality products from both local and international perspectives. It will ensure students acquire a holistic understanding of the hospitality, including the travel and hospitality industry, including the impacts of hospitality on destination economies, communities and fragile environments. Students will be expected to take a critical perspective on the effects of hospitality on their own country, and how hospitality can have a strategic developmental function.

Front office operations

This module introduces students to the systems and procedures required for Front Desk Office Operations. It  emphasizes  the  importance  of  high  standards  in  personal qualities  and  the provision  of  customer  service.  Students will develop knowledge and skills in reception procedures as well as understanding the key legislation that relates to reception procedures. They will also evaluate the suitability of different procedures for a range of hotel outlets.

Customer Service

This module give the students a better understanding of what is customer service and how it can provide quality product or service that satisfies the needs/wants of a customer. It also emphasises the effective communication skills in customer relations and services, and learn how to deal with various customer- related situations, which is also an integral part of tourism and hospitality studies.

Food and bevarage operations

The aim of Food and Beverage Operations module is to provide students with an understanding of the operational and supervisory aspects of running a food and beverage operations for an international clientele in a range of establishments to encourage an appreciation of the origins of such  systems  and  to  understand the  various  factors  involved  in meeting  customer  needs. Students will gain an understanding of food and wine and its service in a variety of styles of restaurant and establishments and they will have sufficient knowledge to produce a detailed plan for specified food and beverage operations.

Full programme structure and learning outcomes

Full programme structure & learning outcomes

Get details and learn about the advantages of learning with LSBF.

what to expect

Prepare for a Career in Hospitality

The Higher Diploma in Hospitality and Tourism Management awarded by LSBF aim to focus on the latest development in the hospitality industry. It will help the students to identify and understand the techniques and theory implied in the hospitality environment. Students are given emphasis on developing professional hotel competencies such as effective communication skills, good customer service skills, leadership, team work and other relevant professionalism topics related to the industry.

A hospitality course is not entirely complete without On-the-Job-Training (OJT). Therefore our philosophy is to integrate classroom studies with supervised practical work experience directly related to academic and career goals.

The Higher Diploma in Hospitality and Tourism Management aims to develop a range of skills, covering the following fields:

  • Management within the Hospitality and Tourism Industry
  • Marketing for the Travel and Hospitality Industry
  • Food and Beverage
  • HRM
  • Issues relating to the Industry
  • To evaluate and understand the importance of the hospitality industry’s nature.
  • To develop the professional skills that is acquired in the hospitality industry.
  • To develop graduates with the necessary skills, knowledge to be immediately effective within the hospitality and tourism industry.
  • To develop problem-solving skills, improve their ability to communicate and operate effectively as individuals within the hospitality and tourism organisation and as part of a team.
  • To enable students to make managerial level decision making.
  • To keep up to date on the industries technology advancement.
  • To develop a critical appreciation of the roles of managers within the hospitality and tourism industry.
  • To develop an understanding of the hospitality and tourism industry, including challenges and issues facing the industry.
  • To motivate students to continue their higher education in the hospitality industry.

Each module is equivalent to 15 credit points for a total of 240 credit points plus Industrial attachment.

Customer ServiceFood and bevarage operationsFood sanitationFront office operationsHousekeepingIntroduction to Hospitality and TourismMarketing in Hospitality and Tourism ManagementOrganizational Behaviour in Hospitality IndustrySafety and Health

Career in Data Analytics

programme structure

All students are required to pass all the modules in this course and successfully complete the Industrial Attachment. Upon completion of this programme, students will be awarded ‘Advanced Diploma in Hospitality and Tourism Management’ and may progress to a Degree Programme.

Distinction D75-100%
Credit C55-75%
Pass P40-55%
Fail F0-39%

Exit Award

Where students are unable to complete the course they may be given the option of an Exit Award if the meet the following criteria:

  • Passed 10 modules

In such cases the student will be awarded the following: Diploma in International Hospitality Management

This course is accredited by the Institute of Hospitality (IoH). IoH is a professional body for aspiring managers working and studying in the hospitality, leisure, and tourism industry. 

Students have to attend a course of study of not less than 264 guided learning hours and may be selected to undergo on-the-Job Training of 6 months in an established hospitality establishment in Singapore.  Failing which, students will prepare and submit a written project within two months.

Lectures, case studies and exercises, class discussion, role play 

1 : 80

STP holders: 90%

Non-STP holders: 75%

Industrial Attachment is part of students’ educational development. This enables theoretical learning in the classroom to be applied to practical learning situations and encourages application of theory and knowledge in appropriate context. Industrial Attachment applies to all students. Students who are already working may produce a letter from their respective employers to show minimum six months work experience in the relevant industry (subject to Schools approval) for exemption to IA. 

To be eligible for Industrial Attachment a student must have passed a minimum of 12 modules during their course of study.

Students who commence an Industrial Attachment and subsequently fail to complete this will not be awarded the Higher Diploma in International Hospitality Management but will be awarded Diploma in International Hospitality Management as an Exit award.

The Industrial Attachment is considered to be an integral part of the Higher Diploma. In the unlikely event that a student cannot be placed for IA LSBF will allow the student to complete a 5000 word Project in a maximum of 2 months. 

Where students specifically request they may be granted the option of completing a Project rather than undertake the Industrial Attachment.  The project (5000 words) topic is assigned by the School, students have a maximum of 2 months to complete the project after approval.Students must still meet the same eligibility requirements (12 passes) to take the Project.

On completion of Industrial Attachment/ Project students will be able to:

  • Understand the importance and role of a hospitality industry during the actual work experience
  • Understand how to overcome issues and problems faced by the industry on a day to day basis
  • Knows about the standard practices and general laws of the industry and how they impact the business
  • Demonstrate and establish interest in the activities and task given by applying the knowledge and skills learnt in school
  • Understand how every individuals can take personal responsibility to reach the objective of the organisation 

All students are required to pass all the modules in this course and successfully complete the Industrial Attachment.

Upon completion of this programme, students will be awarded ‘Higher Diploma in Hospitality and Tourism Management’ and may progress to a Degree Programme. 

Assessment for the following modules comprises of:

Assessment percentageAssessment components
40%Written exam – MCQ
30%Group Presentation
15%Online Test
15%Attendance / Class Participation
  • Introduction to Hospitality and Tourism
  • Front Office Operations
  • Housekeeping
  • Food and Beverage Operations
  • Food Sanitation, Safety and Health
  • Marketing in Hospitality and Tourism Management
  • Customer Service
  • Organizational Behaviour in Hospitality Industry

Assessment for the following modules comprises of:

Assessment percentageAssessment components
50%Individual Assignment or Class Test
  • Facilities and Maintenance Management
  • Food and Beverage Management
  • Human Resource Management
  • Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Events
  • Hospitality Accounting
  • Issues in Hospitality and Tourism Management
  • Resort Management
  • Niche and Speciality Tourism

To achieve a pass grade in any module, students must obtain an overall mark of at least 40%.

Examinations will take the form of essay question papers and/or multiple choice question papers.


Why choose LSBF for your education

Study Materials

Study Materials

Students will receive study materials after they have made full payment for their programme. Replacement of study materials is subject to additional charge.

Student Portal

Student Portal

Students have access to the Student Portal. It is a useful site where the course information and learning materials are available for students’ easy reference.

Accessible Faculty

Accessible Faculty

Students may contact their lecturers directly via email outside the lecture hours for any academic related queries.

Recorded Lectures

Recorded Lectures

We will show compassion and care to all stakeholders as we believe the journey is as important as the outcome.


Who can apply

Local students shall possess one of the following:

  • At least two passes in GCE ‘A’ Level
  • International Baccalaureate (24 points)
  • Local Polytechnic Diploma in any field

International students shall possess one of the following:

  • Completion of Year 12 High School Qualification or equivalent qualification from respective home countries
  • Completed International Baccalaureate (24 points)
  • Equivalent Local Polytechnic Diploma in any field in respective home countries

Minimum Language Entry Requirement:

Both local and international students MUST fulfil the minimum English language entry requirement of one of the following (except Mandarin programmes):

  • Achieved grade C6 or better in English language in GCE O level;
  • Pass in English Language in Year 10 High School qualification or equivalent;
  • IELTS 5.5/TOEFL 550;
  • Completed LSBF Preparatory Course in English Upper Intermediate Level;

Students with non-standard entry requirements (e.g. other PEI qualification, lack of equivalent Year 12 in home country, etc) will be assessed on a case by case basis subject to approval of the Academic Board.


  • Students, who have other Hospitality related qualifications, will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

Minimum Age:

18 years and above


Master Industry-Relevant Skills with Guidance

Dr Mohamed Siddiq View Profile

Dr Mohamed Siddiq

Deputy Head and Senior Lecturer, School of Business and Law
Sidiki Kaba View Profile

Sidiki Kaba

Full-time Tutor & Lecturer


Dr Roy Yap View Profile

Dr Roy Yap

Head and Senior Lecturer, School of Business & Law
Fee Structure


How to apply

At the London School of Business & Finance (LSBF) Singapore Campus, our Education Consultants are ready to help with any questions about starting your studies.

Simply fill out the form on the right, and one of our consultants will guide you through the application process and support you every step of the way.
For a quick overview, check out our 3-5 step guidelines to make the process even easier.

Choose a category

Admission Process for Local Students

A ‘local student’ is defined as an individual holding Singaporean citizenship, Permanent Residency (PR), or valid passes such as the Employment Pass (EP), S Pass (SP), Dependant’s Pass (DP), or Work Permit (WP).

Local students can register either in person at the Recruitment Office or contact us through email, phone, or WhatsApp for added convenience.

Local Students will go through pre-programme counselling with the Education Consultants who will explain the Programme details, Fee Protection Scheme, Refund Policy, Appeal procedures and other important information etc.

Local Students are then required to submit the documents below for registration:

  • A duly completed Application Form
  • Proof of Professional Qualifications – ACCA/CFA Institute/etc. (if applicable) or Highest Education Qualification
  • Proof of identity card (i.e. NRIC/work pass)
  • Payment of Application Fee

Education Consultants will submit all necessary documents to the Admissions department for evaluation of the application.

Upon successful acceptance into the programme, Education Consultants will inform the Local Students that their application has been successful. Local students will need to understand and sign the Student Contract and Advisory note to confirm their acceptance of the programme.

Once Local Students have understood and signed on the 2 original copies of Student Contract and Advisory Note, they may proceed to make payments to LSBF.

Payment of fees should be made in Singapore dollars via the following modes of payment:

  • Cash
  • NETS
  • Flywire
  • Cashier’s order
  • Debit/Credit Cards
  • Singapore Cheques

All fees are payable to London School of Business & Finance Pte Ltd.

Upon payment from the Local Students, LSBF will issue a receipt.

LSBF will also put in place the FPS Insurance for Local Students to protect the fees paid to the School. This FPS Insurance account is applicable for ALL Local Students regardless of their nationalities and the type of passes they held.

Admission Process for International Students

International Students – refer to foreigners – who wish to pursue a full-time study in Singapore with London School of Business & Finance (LSBF). You are required to apply for a Student Pass with the Singapore Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA).

International students may submit your inquiry to or contact LSBF recruitment agents at your home country.

International Students will go through pre-counseling with the Education Consultants / Business Development Managers / LSBF’s approved Recruitment Agents who will explain the Programme details, Fee Protection Scheme, Refund Policy, Appeal procedures and other important information.

International Students are required to submit the documents below for evaluation:

All documents submitted needs to be in English language. Please provide the original non-translated and translated documents during submission.

*All students who do not meet the minimum requirement for their English proficiency level will need to sit for our English Placement Tests.
Students who go through Recruitment Agents and are in their country of origin are required to sit for 2 English Placement Tests (EPT). The first provisional EPT will be conducted at the Recruitment Agent’s Office and a Second EPT will be conducted at LSBF premise after the student has arrived in Singapore. The latter test will determine the final level of English that the student needs to attend.
Students who did not go through Recruitment Agents are able to sit for the EPT at LSBF premise since they are in Singapore.
Education Consultants / Business Development Managers will submit all documents to the Admissions department for evaluation of the application. Upon successful acceptance into the programme, LSBF will issue a Conditional Letter of Offer together with the Acceptance of Offer Form.

Education Consultants / Business Development Managers / LSBF’s approved Recruitment Agents will inform International Students that their application has been successful. At this point, International students will need to sign and return the Acceptance of Offer Letter Form and provide the supporting documents listed below:

  • Signed Acceptance Letter of Offer Form
  • Proof of financial ability in the form of bank statements/fixed deposit accounts/savings accounts (applicable for visa required countries International students)
  • Parent’s and/or Spouse’s employment letter with details such as date of commencement/duration of employment, designation and salary amount/month (applicable for visa required countries International students)
  • Student’s employment letter with details such as date of commencement/duration of employment, designation and salary amount/month (applicable for visa required countries International students)
  • Parents’ marriage certificate (applicable if student’s birth certificate does not state both parent’s name)
  • Student’s marriage certificate (If applicable)

Education Consultants / Business Development Managers / LSBF’s approved Recruitment Agents will explain to International Students the contents of the Student Contract and Advisory Note and inform them of any additional documents that may be required.

Upon receipt of the signed Acceptance of Offer Letter and Application fee, LSBF will proceed to submit the Student Pass application via Singapore ICA Student OnLine Application & Registration+ (SOLAR+) system.

In general, processing time for a NEW Student Pass application is about 2 weeks – 4 weeks. Processing time for International Students transferring their student pass from other PEIs is about 2 weeks to process. Some applications may however take a longer time to process.

LSBF does not guarantee any successful approval of the Student Pass application. For more information on Student Pass application, please refer to

Upon approval of the Student Pass application, International Students will be informed of the result via email from their Education Consultants / Business Development Managers / LSBF’s approved Recruitment Agents. They will need to:

  1. Sign 2 original copies of the Advisory Note and Student contract
  2. Sit for the English Placement Test conducted at LSBF upon their arrival in Singapore (if applicable)
  3. Make payments for the programme fee (No payments are to be made if International Students have not signed the Student Contract and Advisory Note)
  4. Complete the formalities before collection of Student Pass in person at the ICA

Payment of fees should be made in Singapore dollars via the following modes of payment:

  • Cash
  • NETS
  • Flywire
  • Cashier’s order
  • Debit/Credit Cards
  • Singapore Cheques
  • Bank Draft
  • Telegraphic Transfer* (Bank charges to be borne by students)

*For telegraphic transfer, International Students are to indicate reference to the student’s name and/or London School of Business & Finance student’s identity number as stated on the Letter of Offer (S1xxxxxx) and provide a copy of the remittance advice to the respective Education Consultants / Business Development Managers / LSBF’s approved Recruitment Agents for tracking purpose. All fees are payable to London School of Business & Finance Pte Ltd except for the issuance fee and multiple-entry visa fee which are payable to ICA during completion of formality to collect the Student Pass.

Upon payments from International Students, LSBF will issue a receipt.

LSBF will also put in place the FPS Insurance for International Students to protect the fees paid to the School. This FPS Insurance is applicable for all students regardless of their nationalities.

Admission Process for Transfer International Students

Transferring to study from one college to another need not be a painful process. If you are currently studying with another college in Singapore, and have already secured a valid Student Pass, all you need to do is to apply for a transfer of Student Pass to study with the London School of Business & Finance in Singapore (LSBF).

Approach LSBF to apply for the desired programme to confirm your place at LSBF.

Upon receipt of the signed Acceptance of Offer Letter and Application fee, LSBF will proceed to submit the Student Pass application via Singapore ICA Student OnLine Application & Registration+ (SOLAR+) system.

In general, processing time for a NEW Student Pass application is about 2 weeks – 4 weeks. Processing time for International Students transferring their student pass from other PEIs is about 2 weeks to process. Some applications may however take a longer time to process.

LSBF does not guarantee any successful approval of the Student Pass application. For more information on Student Pass application, please refer to

Upon approval of the Student Pass application, International Students will be informed of the result via email from their Education Consultants / Business Development Managers / LSBF’s approved Recruitment Agents. They will need to:

  1. Sign 2 original copies of the Advisory Note and Student contract
  2. Sit for the English Placement Test conducted at LSBF upon their arrival in Singapore (if applicable)
  3. Make payments for the programme fee (No payments are to be made if International Students have not signed the Student Contract and Advisory Note)
  4. Complete the formalities before collection of Student Pass in person at the ICA

LSBF’s friendly Education Consultants will inform you of your student pass transfer application outcome within 7-14 days.* Upon payments from International Students, LSBF will issue a receipt.

LSBF will also put in place the FPS Insurance for International Students to protect the fees paid to the School. This FPS Insurance is applicable for all students regardless of their nationalities.

*Important: Your attendance and performance at your previous school is of utmost importance in securing a successful transfer of your Student Pass to LSBF. If you have a record of poor attendance (anything below 90%) or poor academic performance, you will experience great difficulty renewing or transferring your Student Pass. It is highly possible that ICA will not approve your application.


From Campus to Career

Ryan Lee
Ryan Lee Chief Operations Manager, China Merchants Bank Co.Ltd

"Very thankful for the course. It let me understand the trade finance terms that is useful for my work. Michael is very knowledgeable and helpful!"

Trade Finance Management
Yang Guang
Yang Guang Lead Engineer, R&D

"There are people from all walks of life here, from different angles, and then analysis and sharing, we can see some new angles from all levels."

The New Manager Toolkit Programme
Claire Ly
Claire Ly HR Manager, Emerson

"Content is concise. Relatable experiences faced during presentation. Trainer is engaging and humorous."

The New Manager Toolkit Programme
Sasaki Keita
Daniel Chia Director, Country Human Resources, DKSH

"Relevant contents for new managers. Highly recommended!"

The New Manager Toolkit Programme
Cherie Tang
Cherie Tang Regional L&OD Lead, Engie

"The session was very informative and helpful for new managers levels and the curriculum would definitely benefit them."

The New Manager Toolkit Programme
Vicky Yap
Vicky Yap Senior Manager, Internal Audit, Parkway Healthcare

"The trainer Sylvia is professional and experienced. The sessions were highly engaging."

Preventing and Detecting Different Types of Procurement Fraud
Chua, Hazellene Chua
Chua, Hazellene Chua MBA International Business

"Thank you for your patience, encouragement, and belief in your students. You’ve been more than a professor—you’ve been an inspiration."

Pan ZiHan
Pan ZiHan Preparatory Course in English (PCE)

"My listening, speaking and writing skills were not very good either, but after studying with Advance and Ms Joyce I have found that my English has improved all round, Ms Joyce has helped me to build up my confidence, and she has gone to great lengths to teach me despite the fact that I always make mistakes."

Sasaki Keita
Sasaki Keita Preparatory Course in English (PCE)

"Students might be struggle with many writing assignments. However, after completing many assignments, you will certainly see an improvement in your writing skills."

Chen YuXuan
Chen YuXuan Preparatory Course in English (PCE)

"With your guidance, I have seen significant improvement in my English skills, especially in speaking and writing. I now feel more confident in expressing my ideas clearly and fluently, which is something I struggled with before."

Wu Xiaoya
Wu Xiaoya MBA International Business

"LSBF-UOG MBA International Business have been more than just an academic journey—it has been a transformative experience. The modules pushed me to think more critically. The lecturers’ dedication and passion, along with the outstanding student support, created an inspiring and rigorous learning environment."

Yuna Lee Hui Yun
Yuna Lee Hui Yun MBA International Business

"This journey has been transformative, expanding my expertise and honing my critical thinking skills in real-world business scenarios. If you're looking for a fast, effective MBA program that delivers real value and prepares you for the global business landscape, UOG is the perfect choice."

Moe Pwint Phyu
Moe Pwint Phyu Master of Science Financial Technology

“My experience with Manchester Met has been transformative, enhancing my personal and professional growth. The rigorous academics deepened my FinTech knowledge and critical thinking.”

Tan Sze En, Faith
Tan Sze En, Faith Preparatory Course for Singapore CA Qualification

“LSBF Singapore Campus gives me an edge in the Singapore market because it is well-recognised.”

Dino Ma Gloren Moncada
Dino Ma Gloren Moncada Diploma in Accounting & Finance

"LSBF’s class schedule fit my needs best at a comfortable price point."

Anna Shvabskaia
Anna Shvabskaia Postgraduate Diploma in Hospitality and Tourism Management

“I would like to say big thanks to LSBF team for such a wonderful experience. During my education I got a lot of practical knowledge which I can transfer to my management position.”

Aida Nurtazina
Aida Nurtazina MBA International Business

“The best part for me is that I can study an American MBA in Asia. Also in the near future, I will be running a business. That is why I will benefit from the scope of the two best market economies in the world.”

Edward Carter
Edward Carter MBA International Business

“The MBA at LSBF offers a comprehensive curriculum that uses real-time business and economic case studies to bring the content to life. It is delivered with enthusiasm by experienced faculty members who do an excellent job of challenging pre-conceptions, encouraging critical thinking and ensuring relevance to present and future careers.”

Global Program and Strategy Manager at JP Morgan
Tou Ryo
Tou Ryo IELTS Preparatory Course

“Before coming to LSBF, I couldn’t score above a 5 on the IELTS. After two months in LSBF’s English course, I got a score of 6 and was accepted into my degree programme in the U.S. “

Huang Yi Mei
Huang Yi Mei MBA International Business

“The MBA at LSBF is very informative, and is very helpful in developing my future career. The lecturers for the MBA have very different teaching styles, and are also friendly, patient and helpful.”

Baigali IELTS Preparatory Course

“Studying English in LSBF has definitely improved my English & prepared me well for my MBA course in English. The tutors have been very helpful.”

Uranzaya Tsogtbayar
Uranzaya Tsogtbayar Higher Diploma in Accounting & Finance

“The lecturers are experienced and very knowledgeable about the subject matters but most importantly they are GIVING and CARING. I believe that the warm and engaging environment created by lecturers and staff for the students had a huge impact not only on my studies but on the development of my social skills. Another thing that […]

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